
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Things Administrators Look for When Doing Classroom Observations

All teachers get them-those nice little walk-through and formal evaluations. So, what exactly is your principal looking for when he or she stops by? Check out the following list.


One of the first things that your administrator will do when he or she enters your room is check to see if you have your objectives posted. These can be your objectives for the day or for the week. It is crucial that you have these posted and in a place of high visibility. And, make sure you go over these objectives with your students each day.

Classroom Engagement

The principal or administrator will also check to see if your lesson is engaging. Are your students actively involved in the lesson or if you are doing only lecture? So, try to plan lessons that will require your students to be involved and actively engaged.

Teacher Location and Movement

The principal will check to see where you are when he or she enters the room. Are you sitting at your desk or walking around monitoring your classroom? Not many of us can stand on our feet all day long. However, your principal will want you to spend the majority of the day walking around your class. This will help to decrease the amount of behavioral problems in your class and ensure that you students stay on task.

Classroom Organization

How is your class organized? Are your desks in straight rows or are they set up in small groups? Administrators want you to encourage correlative groups. So, try to plan group work for a majority of the time.

Time Management

Another big issue is time management. Your principal will observe your time management skills. He or she will check to see how you use the time you have to get the most out of your class. They also want to make sure that you stay on task. Most want you to teach from “Bell to Bell”. This means form the time that the students enter your class to the time that the bell rings for them to be dismissed. Although you may can’t accomplish this all the time, make sure if your boss is present that you do this.

Student Work

Not only will your boss check to see you are on task and your students engaged, he or she will check to see if you have any of your students’ work displayed. Be sure to hang some student work somewhere in your classroom or outside of your door.

Meaningful Lesson

Your principal will also check to make sure your lessons are meaningful and relevant. Some lessons are cute, but they don’t go with your curriculum. If this is the case, don’t waste your time teaching them. They will count as a strike against you.

Readily Available Lesson Plans

Keep your lesson plans in a place that you can find them at a moment’s notice. Your principal may ask to see these when he or she stops by to evaluate you.

Don’t be caught off guard. Be prepared for walk-through and other evaluations from your principal.