
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Simple Ways for You to Improve Your Mood This Summer


18 Things to Help Improve Your Mood This Summer

We all experience “the blues” sometimes. Although “SAD” or Seasonal Affective Disorder is more common in the winter months, people can experience some bouts of depression during the summertime.

You may find yourself feeling out of sorts and needing to adjust your mood. Don’t fall victim to “the blues” this summer. Improve your mood and overall well-being. Here are a few suggestions on how to do just that.

Get More Sunlight

Who can beat that great summer sun? Get out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine this summer. How can sunlight improve your mood? Exposure to sunlight helps the body release serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone in the body that can help to stable your mood. It has even been shown to help you sleep better.

Depending on the month, summer can get pretty hot especially if you live in the South. However, there is a way for you to get that much needed sunshine and stay cool. Instead of go outside during the hottest time of the day, you should opt to wait for the evening time or head out in the early morning before the temperatures rise.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is vital during the hot, summer months. Our bodies are made up of mainly water. Water helps to keep our joints lubricated. It provides a cushion for the brain, spinal cord, and other body tissues. Staying hydrate will also help you to maintain a stable body temperature, and it will help to keep your blood pressure regulated.

So, before heading out, grab a bottle of water. Plus, consider taking your water with you. Large, plastic water containers can be taken along with you to work, on nature walks, or any other place. A lot of these containers have water levels marked on them. They can help you measure the amount of water you consume.

Go for a Walk

The flowers have bloomed, and the birds are singing. Nature can do wonders for your mood. It’s beauty has a calming effect that can’t be denied. Taking a walk out in nature, going to your local gym, or simply walking around your work space can help to relieve stress and anxiety.  It can also provide you with the opportunity to relax and reflect. Both of which can also help to improve your general well-being. So, go for that walk.

Take a Drive

If you can’t go for a walk, you can always go for a leisurely drive. Plan your drive. Don’t simply up and decide to go for a drive on the freeway in the middle of midday traffic. This drive should be on your day off and during a time when traffic is at a minimum.

If at all possible, try to make this drive out in the country where you can better enjoy the peace and serenity that nature has to offer. Be sure to put on some of your favorite music. This will help to relax you while you are driving.

Get Enough Sleep

Your brain needs sleep in order to allow its neurons to recharge and keep functioning at their best. Going without sleep for 24 hours or longer can result in behavior similar to that of being intoxicated.  Body functions become impaired. Slurred speech, lack of impulse control, poor judgment, and decreased attention are all the results of not getting enough sleep. And, just like a person who is legally drunk, you should not be behind the wheel. Your reflexes are slower.  Your coordination is off. Your vision and your judgment are impaired. All of which can lead to an accident.

Your brain must have deep sleep and not just a quick nod in order for the neurons of the cerebral cortex to recharge and keep functioning at optimal levels. The ability to recall information and retain new memories is impaired when these neuron are not allowed to repair themselves. Getting enough sleep will also help to decrease stress hormones and help you to feel more energized.


Reading a book or even listening to one on tape is a great way to help you settle down and relax. Don’t try to force yourself to read something overly complicated. Pick a book that you will enjoy. Any simple, easy-to-read book will do.


Put your thoughts down on paper. Journaling is a wonderful way to relax and decompress. Your journal doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Even a simply tablet or notebook can be turned into a place to keep your ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

A gratitude journal is going to work the best. Instead of focusing on the negative things going on in your life, you can focus on the things that you are grateful for. This will help to combat negative feelings and any pinup frustrations.


Create a relaxing image in your mind. Visualize yourself happy and fulfilled. You might even want to post pictures of things that make you happy around your desk or on your refrigerator so that you can continuously be reminded to stay calm and to be happy.

Think Positive

Kick those negative thoughts to the curb. Refuse to think on the negative things. Think on the positive. This can sometimes be easier said than done. However, you can do it. But, you will have to make a conscious effort to focus on the things that are going right instead of the things that are going wrong. The gratitude journal can help you do this. Start each day by thinking about the things that you are thankful for. Think about the things that make you happy or give you joy. Try to see each obstacle or disappointment that you face as a nudge toward your destiny. Know that no matter what happens, it is all working for your good.


Grab your bags and go on vacation. Your vacation doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary. Any overnight trip away from home can be turned into a vacation.

You may even decide to take a staycation and visit some sites in your local areas. If you can’t take an actual vacation and get away from the house, consider renting a hotel room for the night. You’ll be amazed at how much better you will feel by just leaving home.

Reconnect with Old Friends

Now is a good time to reach out to some old friends. Reconnect. Work on repairing any problems that caused the rift. Prioritize your friendships. Make it a point to spend more time with your friends.

Go to the Movies

Summer and movies go hand in hand. Take a trip to the theater or set up a projector in your own home. Watch a movie that you’ve been dying to see. You can make this a family outing, or you can be a “lone ranger.” And, don’t forget to grab a bag of popcorn!


Make time for your hobbies. Do the things that make you happy. Summer hobbies can include gardening, quilting, collecting seashells, and dancing. It does not matter if this is a new hobby or an old one, just get into the swing of things.  

Take a Course

Learn something new. Consider taking a course over the break. And, this course doesn’t have to be something hard or difficult. This should be relaxing, so pick something that will bring you happiness.

Classes can be taken in person or online. The advantage of an online course is the fact that it can be completed from almost anywhere that has an internet connection.

Decrease Sugar Consumption

Sugar is not only addictive. It can contribute to weight gain. Plus, getting too much of it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and even put you at risk for developing mood disorders. Instead of reaching for the sugar, try eating more fresh or dry fruits.

Stop drinking so many sodas. Studies have shown that consuming just one can soda a day can led to a 20 pound weight gain in one year.

Sodas also contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and it can lead to dehydration. Instead of the reaching for that can of soda drink, water or natural fruit juice. They will help to keep you hydrated. Plus, they don’t have the additional sugar that sodas have.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

Eat healthy. Summer is the perfect time to load up on fruits and vegetables. Most vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber helps to keep things moving through your digestive system. It also helps your body remove those toxics, and it helps to stabilize your weight. So, load up on those fruits and vegetables. You can even dabble in growing your own during this warm weather season.

Set the Mood

Get in a relaxing state of mind. You can use candles, soft music, and aroma therapy to help you relax. House plants and neutral tones can also be used to bring your mind into a calm space. Be sure to remove any noise, clutter, or other distractions.

Create a routine for relaxing. Choose a designated place to relax and a set time for relaxation. This will help to program your body to wind down.


If you are holding any grudges or other negative feelings, release them. Unforgiveness can ruin your overall health. You may be holding on to some unresolved resentment and bitterness. Unforgiveness can lead to migraine headaches, upset stomach, anxiety, and indigestion. If you want to feel better, then you will need to forgive.

Forgive the people who have wronged you. Open your heart and mind to new beginnings. Move forward.

Improve the way you feel this summer and throughout the year. Make a few adjustments to your behavior and boost your mood. These adjustments can include change your diet from one filled with sugar and processed foods to a healthier one. Get some sun and some exercise. This will help release those feel-good hormones. Put down the soda and reach for the water instead. This will help to keep you hydrated and flush the toxins from your body. Take up a hobby or resume an old one. Reconnect with old friends. Make relationships a priority and set the mood for relaxation.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Information give is advice from my own personal experience. For any serious medical advice


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