
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ways to Be More Productive Teacher without Losing Your Mind

Teaching is a demanding job. It is almost impossible to keep up with all the paper work, be a successful teacher, and still have a family life. So, what can you do get it all done in a day and still have time for your family and yourself? Here are some things that you can do to increase your productivity at work.

Get a Good Start

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Eating breakfast will help to provide you with the fuel you need to make it through a hectic day at school. It is difficult to deal with a room full of bouncy children when you are hungry. Even when I don’t have time for a full meal, I try to grab a quick piece of toast and some type of protein before rushing out of the door.

Get Focused

As teachers, we know how important it is to stay focused. So, I would suggest that you meditate, exercise, read, or enjoy a simple cup of coffee. Do whatever it takes to get your mind focused and ready for the school day.

Do One Thing at a Time

I love to try to multi-task; however, when do more than one thing at a time, I end up making a mess. Contrary to what your bossy may tell you, multi-tasking is really not a good idea. Instead of trying to focus on three or four things at a time, only focus on one. Complete that task. Then, move on to the next task.


Decide what needs immediate attention and do it first. Like most people, I have more energy in the morning. So, it makes more sense to do the most demanding tasks first and save the easier tasks for after lunch when your energy starts to wane.

Have a Routine

Have a set routine. You should have set days for giving test and quizzes, and you should have set days to teach each of your state objectives. This will help to save you time and allow you to be more productive. It will also provide stability for your students

Plan Effectively

One of the keys to being a more productive teacher is planning. Plan your lessons early. I know this can be difficult to plan days before you finish the lesson you are currently on. However, this ensures that you don’t get behind on all those tons of paperwork. Remember, these are only plans. Nothing is set in concrete. You can always go back and remediate students who didn’t get it. And, you can always go back and make changes to your lesson plans.


Okay, I have to admit that I am not the most organized person in the world. My desk is often cluttered, and I tend to collect and keep tons of student work. However, one of the best ways to be more productive as a teacher is to be more organized. I have found that my day runs a lot better when my desk is clean and my files in place. And, I get a lot more work done. Trust me. I know you are busy, but take the time to get organized. It will pay off in the long run.

It is possible to be a more productive teacher. Have a set routine. Plan effectively. Get organized and stop trying to do it all at one time.

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