
Friday, April 24, 2015

Teachers and At-Risk Students

Teachers and At-Risk Students
The sad reality is that in each school there are students who are at-risk of dropping out or falling between the cracks. It is also a fact that we, teachers, play in their negative experiences at school. We also influence their decision to either drop out of school or hang in there until the end. Are you wondering how?
Think about your low achievers or those students who “can’t get it”. Now, think about the way you treat them. Do you call on them as much as you do your smarter students? Do you give them as many opportunities as you do other students?
Unless you are one those exceptional teachers, your answers are probably not the ones that they should be. Let’s face it. Whether we intend to or not, sometimes we overlook our most vulnerable students.
What are somethings that you can do to help? First, change your behavior.
Ø  Call on these students more.
Ø  Allow these students more time to answer questions when you do call on them.
Ø  Often more praise
Ø  Provide them with feedback as soon as possible
Ø  Provide the students with more hands-on activities

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