
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ways Teachers Can Set Good Examples for Students

Setting Good Examples for Students

Teachers hold the future in their hands.  Aside from parents, no one else has a greater influence on children.  It is because of this influence that teachers should set good examples for their students by doing the following:

Demonstrate positive decision-making skills:

Each day brings with it new challenges and new opportunities to show students the importance of making good decisions. A teacher can demonstrate the thinking process for the students by going through a process called thinking out loud. Thinking out loud is when the teacher encounters a problem and verbally works through that problem. This will allow the students to know what the choice is and how the teacher comes to a decision.  Students get to follow the thinking reasoning process from start to finish. 

Admit mistakes and apologize

Everyone makes mistakes.  The key is to admit the mistake and apologize.  Because little eyes are watching, it is imperative that the teacher demonstrate good citizenship by apologizing as soon as the mistake is identified.  This shows students the importance of taking responsibility for ones mistakes.  By apologizing in front of the students, the teacher is repairing the mistake and setting a good example for students to follow.

Demonstrate Fairness

Fairness is extremely important.  Students can quickly pick up on favoritism, and it should never be a part of the classroom.  By giving all students the same opportunities, the teacher is demonstrating fairness. 

Be Flexible

The world is in a constant state of change.  Nothing stays the same.  When things do not work out as planned, the teacher can point this out to the students and then demonstrate a positive attitude while handling the change. 

Show Respect

One of the most important lessons that a teacher can teach is respectfulness. It is important students learn how to treat people. It does not matter if the other person is another teacher, an administrator, a parent, or simple a student.  They deserve respect.

Teachers influence students in many different ways. By demonstrating good decision making skills, recognizing mistakes and apologizing for them, and being fair and flexible a teacher can provide good examples for students.

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